Sunday, March 10, 2013

Scarcity and Choices

I posted about my sense of guilt the other day, and there was a post today on The Daily Love that talked about another aspect very closely related to that: Scarcity. Not thriving, not enjoying life, not doing activities and not spending such that you can have time, money, etc. when you “need” them at some obscure time in the future. I’m definitely guilty of that, as well (pun… semi-intended?).

As that concept marinated in my mind (am I overusing that phrase?), I started to see how it pops up in a lot of different areas of my life. Even my body is living by that scarcity rule – hanging onto fat! And as I’ve learned, when your body no longer matches your mind and its thoughts, it will change. So when I no longer live a life of scarcity, and no longer deprive of and store various things in my life, my body will reflect that. As the article today said, I need to trust that life evolves and flows.

I often catch myself in my thoughts these days. Just tonight I was pinpointing all the flaws in my body; areas that I wish were slimmer. Suddenly I remembered to tell myself that it wasn’t as bad as I’m thinking. I went to the mirror and tried to look at myself overall, and I reminded myself that it really isn’t as bad as I like to tell myself, and I am improving day by day. I’m changing my life.

I also felt myself going to an emotional place today. This hasn’t happened in a really long time, but I had a longing to be held. Longing to be in someone’s arms, just relaxing on the couch, feeling the love and comfort of someone with me, wrapped in their embrace. I started trying to think of what I was supposed to do to get rid of this feeling, or to trick it. Hug a teddy bear? Cry it out? Watch tv to distract myself? I remembered that I choose my thoughts, and I tried to determine how I’d chosen to feel this way.

You know what, I’m an idiot. I just realized why I was feeling this way. There was a wedding recently. More than one, really. And more to come in my social circle. That’s why. Pretty obvious once I stop and think about it for a second.

I swear, everything in life has an impact on you, whether you want it to or not. You really have to have your eyes wide open, because things can slip in and affect you without you even realizing it. It’s much easier to put that feeling in its place once I pinpointed why I was feeling it. I’m definitely not looking to get married. I don’t have the whole biological clock thing going on. But it still reminds you how nice it is to have someone you love. But now I know it wasn’t just me feeling that way – it was provoked, so I can acknowledge the feeling and carry on. I know where it came from.

Your life is not scarce. The world has endless amounts of joy waiting for you if you choose to take it. You choose your thoughts and every day you choose your happiness. Some days that decision may be more difficult than other days, but really, isn’t it worth it? Remind yourself of all the little affirmations and lessons you’ve learned. That’s how you get through every experience. Until it is engrained in you, you remind yourself. All the thoughts you have – question them. Spin it to your advantage. It doesn’t happen overnight. It is a daily choice. A moment-by-moment choice. I’m making my choice. Are you?

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