Thursday, April 25, 2013

Be A Positive Influence

Lead by example. Really, that’s a concept I grew up with. I lived my life as well as I did in order to be a good role model for my future kids. Well, also in order to respect myself and look myself in the mirror. And probably a little bit of trying to impress my parents. But a huge reason that I still have to this day is to lead others by example. To show everyone how they should be handling things. To show everyone what I think the best choices are.

Would you listen to a hypocrite? No, probably not. Sometimes people can shed light on situations if they’ve been through it, but for the most part, at least for me, if you don’t live that way yourself, you’ve lost all credibility. I think most kids feel that way, as well. Kids learn mostly by imitation, anyway. So for kids, and for adults, practicing what you preach is generally a good idea if you want anyone to listen to you.

So here’s my point. When you start making positive changes in your life, that’s going to influence others. Maybe in a small way, and maybe in a big way. I am so happy to see one of my friends start to make his own realizations and start to unravel and analyze his own beliefs and behaviors. I feel extremely proud when he tells me that seeing my changes has rubbed off on him and has helped push him in that direction for his own life. His changes are not the same as mine, and honestly his are more religious than mine are. But it doesn’t matter. He is on his own journey, and I can already tell how much happier he is, and I know that will only continue to get better and better. He knocked on that door, and now that door is being opened for him. All he had to do was consider that there may be another way to look at things.

As Gandhi says, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”

I think people sometimes think of doing a “good deed” as a box to check off on their to-do list. Really, what you need to do is just go through your day with the desire to be of service. When you see an opportunity to be of service, do it. Hold the door open for the person behind you. Let the mother juggling babies and bottles go ahead of you in line. You can’t plan those things. The point isn’t for you to feel good about helping someone. The point is to HELP SOMEONE. And don’t get down on yourself if you didn’t help someone one day. There is no expiration date on love and kindness. You can still use it now. You can still use it tomorrow. It isn’t a task, a chore or a responsibility you have to take care of and check off of your list. Don’t stress about it. Don’t put pressure on yourself. Just help out when you see an opportunity.

How can you help others and be a positive influence today?

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