Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Worry is a Dream Killer

I’ve been helping a friend with some concepts lately, and I feel like I’ve made a lot of good points that others would benefit from. I’m going to try to hit the highlights for you all.

No matter what, you will be okay. Maybe you want to try out for a dance team, or ask someone out, or put out your resume and see what hits you get, or join a club. Sometimes the fear of uncertainty and the fear of rejection can convince us out of doing something that would improve our life. Think about it, even if the worst happens – is it the end of the world? You will only be humiliated if you choose to be mad at yourself afterwards. Strive to attain your dreams! Strive to do what you want! The worst that can happen is it doesn’t work out. Then you just move on to the next dream, taking the lessons learned with you. If you don’t try, you’re guaranteeing that nothing great will happen to you. If you stay safe and hidden away in your comfort-zone, you will never know the extent of your brilliance. You will have all these “what ifs”.

A point I read about in one of my books (I think it was A Return to Love) was that the energy you bring to a situation affects the situation. I may have even talked about this before. The example was that of a nervous person entering a job interview. This person exuded fear and a lack of confidence. If you don’t think you are good enough, people can see that. If you don’t think you are good enough, why should they? They can feel what you are putting off, and they probably won’t want to hire you. If you pump yourself up beforehand and remind yourself why you want this job and the ways you are right for it (focus on the positive), you will exude confidence and eagerness, which the employer will love, and you are more likely to get the job.

The same goes for any situation in life.

So really, stressing out and worrying is literally holding you back and keeping you from your dreams. Don’t get me wrong – we all worry. We are human. Sometimes it can help us prepare for multiple outcomes. But if we are just worrying for the sake of being scared, that is holding us down and covering the light we could be shining into the world. It doesn’t help anyone – it makes you miserable and it keeps everyone else from being able to enjoy and take advantage of your talents.

What dreams are your fears holding you back from?

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