Thursday, March 28, 2013

Be Careful What You Expect

When you come to an interaction with an expectation, you are looking for that expectation to be met. Be careful with that. Be aware that you are naturally doing that so you can counter it by reminding yourself to be open-minded. If you expect someone to act a certain way, or if you are expecting a certain outcome, you’re already setting the situation up for failure. You have to come at the situation fresh and without bias. Don’t look for the undertones in what someone is saying. Spoon out some of that empathy. Your reactions guide the experience, so if you’re expecting hostility, and so you present a level of hostility back, then yeah, the situation will be hostile.

That’s something I work on just about every day now.

Also, this morning I was tired and in a “blah” mood. I held the elevator door for someone walking a few steps behind me. They were surprised and grateful. I usually do that, but usually I’ll also try to smile and seem friendly. This morning, not so much, which I found a little amusing. I held the door and then I probably appeared to be bored or grumpy. I wasn’t, but I just didn’t have the energy.

You know what though, that act was a little bit of a boost. The fact that I found the situation amusing was a little boost.

No matter how you feel or what you are expecting, bring love and empathy to each situation. It will make things a whole lot better than the alternative.

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