Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Results from Acting Confident

In case you didn’t read my last post, I had proposed a challenge for me and my readers to “pretend” to be really confident for one whole day and see what happens. Pretend you are the most intelligent, beautiful, competent person, and that it is so obvious and apparent that you do NOT feel the need to rub it in someone’s face or put someone down. Very confident without being “overly” confident, if you know what I mean. I could tell that what you think of yourself affects your reality, so I figured we should just pretend for one day and see what we can learn from it.

I loved it! I should do that every day!

I wouldn’t say I have anything huge to report, but the tone of my day was definitely awesome, and despite believing I was the best thing since sliced bread, guess what? No one cared! No one came up to me and was like, “Excuse me, do you think you are beautiful? That is incorrect.” No one came up to me and was like, “Excuse me, do you think you are intelligent? That is incorrect.” You know what I mean??? You don’t have to be afraid to believe in yourself. Most of the time, no one is going to be offended by it and call you out. And if they did… well they have their own serious problems.

I started the day by taking a little jog in the morning. Nothing major, just a little jog to get my blood flowing and wake me up. It felt great! I kept smiling while I was getting ready for my day. Driving to work, I felt the confidence lift me up and straighten my posture. I noticed that I generally have a weird way that I hold my head, and it was embodying a sense of exhaustion. Maybe that’s why I’d been feeling exhausted? I’d have my shoulders arched forward a little and my head back with my chin up a little. Like a “bored” look, you know what I mean? I think I always believed it was better that looking “up” at people, because that means you are looking down, which means you are shy and not confident. Today I figured out how to bring my chin down such that I feel like I am looking up at people a little bit, but really I am probably looking straight ahead. And you know what? It FEELS better. It feels confident. It even feels like I am glaring at people. Not really “glaring”, but just… pointedly and deliberately looking at whatever I am looking at. It makes me feel confident.

I went to a coffee shop to get some coffee and a parfait. I stood up straight with my shoulders back. I looked people in the eye without quickly looking away. I walked confidently. I greeted people and held the door for people.

At work I continued this attitude. I could tell my posture was different and I felt different in my work meetings. I felt like I was portraying the confidence I felt. I even started to feel a little annoyed, but I brought Love to the situation and calmly brought the conversation back around and then let it go in my mind.

I didn’t worry about things going wrong. I’d prepared for a situation, and when things deviated from that plan a little, I did not panic at all. I just determined how to align everything back to where it should be.

I listened patiently and helped friends with their problems. I always do that, but I kept most of my advice and opinions to myself, because I knew that what they were dealing with could be worked through without my intervention. I didn’t need to help, I just needed to listen. I did give a couple bits of tiny perspective advice, but nothing big. Just things to remember as they move forward. And I let them know I had complete confidence that they would figure their situation out.

I thoroughly enjoyed my day. In fact, I’m sad that the day is essentially over now! Luckily I get another one tomorrow!! And you know what, I’m going to do it all over again.

What about you?? How was your day? Did you pretend to be confident and beautiful/handsome? Did you believe that you were perfect and brilliant? How did you feel? What reactions did you get? Did you learn anything?

In a nutshell, here is what I learned: You create your reality. You are already brilliant and beautiful – the only thing keeping it from being true is the belief you have within yourself. Choose love and choose happiness, and the rest will fall into place. You can handle any obstacle. Obstacles are just games. Use your skills to overcome it. That’s all.

Let me know what you chose to believe about yourself today, and how it turned out for you!

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